
Kantai’s mum, wife pen emotional letter paying their last tribute to him 

Rapper Kantai’s mother and his wife have both penned sad tributes honoring the rapper who was buried at his family farm in Oloolua, Ngong.

Kantai’s mum, Eunice Naeku Kantai paid tribute to her fallen son saying:

“Very hurt, very lonely but I will forever be grateful to God for the years he has given you to me! Seeing you gone is not easy but I’m comforted that you finally gave your life to Christ. Hallelujah!” She said. 

Kantai’s mum added that she’s sad that his son passed on but grateful too because he’s no longer suffering.

“It has been a long journey. I am at peace. You are no longer sick or suffering. I wanted you to be a doctor and you went to Green River College for one-and-a-half years to make me happy. I then got cancer and you took time off to take care of me and nurse me. You then confessed to me that you didn’t want to go ahead with nursing.” Kantai’s mum revealed.

“You secretly started working on your music and when you showed me what you had been working on, I was shocked — and not very impressed about this rapping business.

“I realised you were serious about your music. I did what I could to support you. Luckily, I was able to as I was a business woman and I tried to get you involved.

“I bought you a ‘mixer’ or whatever you call it, among other things you needed to make your music as I wanted to make my sweet boy happy.

Music Journey

“It was hard for you to come back to Kenya as you didn’t want to leave me behind but you wanted to pursue your musical dream and come back home.

She finished off her tribute saying, “We were very close friends and shared so much. Now in my heart there is a big vacuum. But my comfort is that greater is he who is in you than he who is the world. 1 John 4.4. Amen.”

Kantai’s wife, Irene also remembered him and the life they had together.

“Remember cooking for us and not wanting anything to come in between family time, with you being the master chef of making chicken especially in your own unique way, taking me swimming at Kasarani and just enjoying the coolness of the water under the hot Nairobi sun, buying German Shepherds for us, which you were so fond of, buying me flowers just to appreciate me on a daily basis, playing video games and just enjoying being in that space, loving and caring for me and our daughter like the true father and gentleman you were,” Irene shared. 


“I miss you, my darling.Your smile and touch.The nights, the days, our dreams. Even though you’re
gone, you’re never forgotten. You’re in my heart always. I love you Chris K., my lover, my husband, my best friend. Rest Well my dearest,” she finished her tribute, signing off, “Love, Irene.”



About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
