
Ugandan beauty queen finally gets rid of her wig after president Museveni castigated her (Photos)

Miss Uganda Quiin Abenakyo emerged as second runner-up in the Miss World pageant that was held in China in December 2018.

Quiin was ultimately crowned Miss Africa for finishing top among beauty queens from the African continent who took part in the Miss World competition.

Her impressive performance saw her accorded a heroine’s treatment upon return to Uganda. President Yoweri Museveni however criticized Quiin during their first meeting for wearing donkey hair instead of embracing her natural African hair.

Also read: Museveni asks Miss Uganda to drop her wig during visit to State House 

Natural hair it is

Quiin got rid of her wig during her second meeting with president Museveni at State House, Entebbe. The beauty queen was invited for a state dinner and she was all natural in her appearance.

Quiin Abenakyo after she got rid of her wig
Quiin Abenakyo after she got rid of her wig

The Ugandan president took to Twitter to brag about Quiin heeding his advice about embracing her natural beauty;

“When we met in Entebbe, I advised Abenakyo to keep her hair natural. I am glad she heeded the advice and re-asserted her African identity. God beautifully created Africans, there is no need to add or subtract anything,” Museveni tweeted.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
