
I don’t live for the gram. I live a normal life a woman’s place is the Kitchen- Akothee changes tune 

Controversial singer Akothee has warned her followers over and over again that what she actually posts on social media is her true life and she doesn’t fake.

Not once has the rich and flamboyant singer blasted fellow celebs who are faking their lifestyle just to get followers.

Akothee was recently back at it again asking haters to stop praying for her downfall because she’s a hardworking woman. She however changed tune a little bit this time saying that she belongs to the kitchen.

“Wait for me to go broke at your own risk, I don’t live for the gram, I live a normal life a woman’s place is the Kitchen, and a mans heart is in his stomach, so who run the world GIRLS G.O.A.T,” She captioned a video which has her working on her garden.


Stop faking

Early this month, the singer schooled her followers on how a fake lifestyle will eventually catch up with them.

“Some people hate you not because you have done something wrong, but simply because you are blessed, so you can’t stop living coz someone is hurt with your lifestyle, unless you faking it, then you got real problems, coz when sh*t will catch up with you then the first people you will meet are the same ones you were flossing for, you will see how healthfully they will laugh at you,” she posted.


About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
