
Drama! Bad Gyal Cecile forced to intervene as Willy Paul and a critic trade insults

Willy Paul once again flared up when a critic taunted him on social media. It took the intervention of Cecile to cool things down.

Willy Paul and Jamaican singer Cecile collaborated to drop a new song ‘Sikireti Reloaded’. Pozzee released the song on Thursday November 15th.


A certain Marvin Carter confronted Cecile on Instagram about collaborating with Willy Paul. He said that the new song was such a disappointment.

“For Christ sake how did you feature on @willy.paul.msafi song such a disappointment.” marvincarterofficial commented on Cecile’s post.

Willy Paul caught hormones and he decided to hit back;

“@marvincarterofficial you are the people letting down our country.. Marvin or whatever you’re called.. you left whatever you were doing just murmur? Wow..” Willy Paul responded.

Cecile was forced to intervene to calm the situation;

“@marvincarterofficial hi Marvin, I liked the beat, and I liked the idea of doing a gospel song and a little praise should help a sister right? I plan to do more as well with others… why don’t you like it?” Cecile responded.

The critic went on to fire some more salvos at Willy Paul;

“@willy.paul.msafi lol ? we have artist doing us proud and we are very proud of ’em. But the reverse is true when it comes to u lately. U r not doing us any proud,” marvincarterofficial commented.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
