
Ethic shut down former manager and rumours with just one Tweet, annoy fans

News of group Ethic parting ways with manager have been topping headlines for the better part of the week.

According to their former manager Telehmani, the group refused to pay him after he helped them and invested on them.

“A lot of industry guys told me to stay away from @ethicentmt and it was gonna be rough. Nothing repaired me for the fuckery today. I was wrong and I shoulda listened,” he said while complaining on Twitter. 


Fans took to Twitter to urge the group to address the issue because word had started spreading fast the group has become big headed and arrogant after getting a little fame.

On Twitter, Ethic responded with just one tweet that also annoyed others.

“Give your side ASAP, or Telehmani’s side will be considered to be the truth.” a fan asked. 

“We don’t feed or feed on drama but you’ll hear our side soon… for now feel free to believe whatever.” Ethic replied.

The reply angered some fans who went on to agree the group has become arrogant.

“This mentality is what I am talking about. Believe me, there were others before you,” said another fan. 



About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
