
Akothee: My children are all ugly but I’m rich and famous

Another day another fight between Akothee and her fans.

The controversial singer took to social media to blast a section of Kenyans hating on her again. The singer always takes time to address her haters once in a while but with renewed energy after resting recently, the singer has been doing it in full force since making a comeback.

She recently blasted a section of Kenyans who claimed that she has ugly kids and always need make up.

“As you seat down and discuss that Akothee is one of the celebrities with the most ugliest Children, with many husbands, Don’t forget to give me Credit now… Note! She is the richest female artiste with the best body after popping five. Rich and Famous. You can just have all negatives at least a positive now. Isn’t Akothee rich and famous forget about beauty, it’s in the beholders eye? All I know is that am leaving a better life then you” she posted.


She added that it doesn’t matter what people say to her because she has money now and dissing her wouldn’t make anyone rich.

“I am rich and famous with ugly children but you are broke and unpopular with beautiful children so who is winning, live your miserable life on peace, and top up your data bundles as you watch me live a life you would die to have, your children are face of p2 & nyamachoma and you dare open your mouth talking of who is beautiful who is not. When did you take a selfie lastly without make up idiot,” she said.


“With all your beauty with no brains and children , I would get your man just with one word on a Dm, he will dump you with all your fakeness and learn to be real to yourself my problem is , I dont share toys neither do I grub peoples problems , cheza chini, when lastly did you take a selfie with no make up ? Then you will know the reall meaning of beauty MAGGOT, YOU Can only Qualify as FACE OF ABORTION or MORNING AFTER, as your children qualify for face of nyama choma and beer #calpolis , you will respect beauty the day you will learn your husband’s password and get my photo as his screen saver MAAAAD RESPECT TO REALITY OF LIFE”

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
