
Julie Gichuru: My love for God didn’t fade when my third-born son chocked and died

Julie Gichuru and her husband Anthony Gichuru are blessed with to five children; Joseph, Kimoshe, Daniel and Njeri. The couple however lost of one of their children sometime in 2005 in a freak accident.

In a past interview with Kalekye Mumo, Julie narrated how she was traumatized by the incident and even vowed never to have any kid again.

“You see a lot of me out there but my life is my family, my life is my children. I was devastated beyond anything, I am telling you the kind of grief where you cannot breathe. I would literally would wake up and search for breath because I had no breath in my body. I yearned to sleep at night because in my sleep he would come in my dreams, I was holding him again. It was a traumatizing time and I actually said to my husband we are never going to have another child again I can’t go through this again,” said Julie Gichuru.

Julie’s son Mwaura chocked while he was being fed by a househelp, he was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately he didn’t make it.


Julie Gichuru with her children
Julie Gichuru with her children
Unwavering faith in God

In a recent post on social media, Julie Gichuru asserts that her love for God didn’t fade because of her son’s death. She says that she kept her faith strong and the Lord gifted her with another child a year later.

“When we lost our beloved thirdborn we were devastated. Destroyed. Totally broken. But we did not let go of our love for God. In spite of our devastation and grief we kept our faith. One year later the Lord God blessed us with a child, and we named him Wangai, because we knew he was a gift, we had learnt that ultimately all children belong to God. ‘He belongs to God’, we said, ‘And the Lord has gifted us with the blessing to be his parents.’ Now Wangai is completing his coming of age ceremony. This process has enriched him with both cultural and Christian knowledge and values. We could not be more thankful to the almighty Lord! #AwesomeLord,” wrote Julie Gichuru.

About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
