
Chipukeezy faces acid test at Nacada after BBC investigative exposes Eastleigh rehab where addicts are savagely battered

The National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) has come under fire after an investigative by BBC exposed a rehab center in Eastleigh that uses violence against drug addicts.

The exposé shows workers at Darushifa Rehabilitation Centre brutally beating drug addicts and mentally ill patients. The rehab center was also exposed for using traditional healing medicine in high doses to cure drug addiction, the healers admitted to BBC that overdose could be fatal.

A patient at the rehab facility being  caned
A patient at the rehab facility being caned
Chipu and Nacada react

Chipukeezy shared an official statement from Nacada saying that the rehabilitation center in Eastleigh was not accredited by the drug enforcement agency.

Chipu later on revealed that Nacada had moved in to close Darushifa Rehabilitation Centre.

“Just to inform you that Darufisha Center in Eastleigh has been closed and the perpetrators arrested. The centre has been operating illegally and I would like to reiterate that we cannot support patients being abused physically or psychologically,” wrote Chipukeezy.




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
