
Daddy Owen’s new song Donjo, what do you think? Crap or hit? 

Daddy Owen has a new song out called “Donjo” that apparently not many have noticed yet. Of late, the  gospel singer has not being ruling the airwaves like he used to during his “Vanity” and “System ya Kapungala” days.

The singer, who’s wife Faridah Wambui will be heading to the maternity soon for a second delivery, worked with Magix Enga and True Video for the new song which is struggling badly online.

Hit or miss?

In two days, the song has not even clocked 2000 views leaving many with questions. Any way, here’s the song. What do you think? Is it a hit or should be sent straight to the trash?

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
