
“Your ignorance is so loud it’s deafening idiots” Bien blasts two ladies for making gay comments on Chimano

Chimano has long been rumored to be gay; recent photo of the Sauti Sol member made two ladies to make homosexual comment about him which didn’t go down well with Bien.

Two homophobes launched scathing attack on Sauti Sol’s Chimano and Bien was quick to defend him with zeal. The quartet faced similar homophobic attack in December 2015 when they rocked mosquito net-like outfit.

This time round it wasn’t a crazy costume that made homophobes pull out their guns, Chimano’s painted nails was what made two ladies harass the poor chap.

Bien shared a photo which was taken during baby shower for Annabel Onyango. The fashion personality is married to Sauti Sol’s manager Marek Fuchs.

In the photo, Bien had bent over as Annabel Onyango fondled his behinds, while Chimano showed off his hands in celeb-ish style.

The photo drew interesting comments but two homophobes got on Bien’s nerves and he lost his cool. Comments by a certain hawa_the_firstlady and ambukadorice totally pissed off Bien.

ambukadorice : Hahahahaha this is so funny n so gay

hawa_the_firstlady: @ambukadorice esp the nail polish on the guys hands

ambukadorice: @hawa_the_firstlady … I know … Wanakaa ma gay SMH

Bien: @hawa_the_firstlady @ambukadorice you’re ignorance is so loud it’s deafening. Go write your stupid comments on Ezekiel Mutua’s page where other idiots like you dwell. You still can’t be writing such comments on the 21st century. What a waste of an education

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
