
After Rapcha, Teacher Wanjiku also speaks about Churchill show and why she left only after one year

After only one year of nothing but pure laughter and entertainment, Teacher Wanjiku shocked many when she finally announced she was exiting Churchill show.

This left all of us in total disarray, I mean, she just got there!

So for the first time since leaving the show, never to go back, Teacher Wanjiku has finally spoken into detail why she left the show and quite frankly Churchill had nothing to do with it.

Also read: Teacher Wanjiku reclaims her red-carpet figure after gaining 20 kilos during pregnancy… It’s hard to believe she has lost this much so far

Speaking to Moree our videographer, she narrated how she had a solid agreement with Churchill when she joined the show. She was only to sign a one year contract and then after that embark on other things alongside Churchill.

Well, she followed her plan to the very end and when it was time she took a hike. As it is with everything, the plan didn’t exactly fall through as planned but she has no complains at all.

She’s in a happy place now, doing her thing and embarking on her projects.

As to how long you should stick with the man, she suggested using the platform as a place to identify yourself before branching out and doing your own thing.

It is then that now you can exploit your full potential.

Check her out here:

About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
