
“I was suffering in silence” Ciru Muriuki opens up about her struggle with same disease that Njambi Koikai is suffering from

Njambi Koikai has been struggling with endometriosis for years. It turns out her former panelist on the Trend – Ciru Muriuki is also suffering from the same condition.

Endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which tissue that normally lines the inside of your uterus grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis most commonly involves your ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue lining your pelvis. Rarely, endometrial tissue may spread beyond pelvic organs.[sic]

Njambi Koikai has been spearheading endometriosis awareness campaign ever since she was diagnosed with the condition. She is encouraging women suffering in silence to speak about their conditions freely.

Njambi Koikai (second on left) and Ciru Muriuki (first on right) while they were still on the Trend

Most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid to open up because of stigma. Njambi aims to end all fallacies about endometriosis and also to implore the government to take action.

I was suffering in silence

Ciru Muriuki has opened up about her struggles with endometriosis. The former Trend panelist who recently went under the knife reveals she has been suffering in silence.

“@jahmbykoikai you’re a rock star for bringing awareness to endometriosis. So many of us are suffering in silence, faced with physicians who don’t really care. I remember one who insinuated that my pelvic pain was caused by an STD. SURELY.

“Anyways, I had a laparoscopic procedure yesterday to remove a large haemorrhagic ovarian cyst. I’m a little sore, but on the mend. We need a cure. We do. #endowarrior,” wrote Ciru Muriuki.

Ciru Muriuki in hospital



About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
