
MC Jessy Clarifies His Political Ambitions Weren’t Motivated by Money

Image: MC Jessy lands TV show deal with KTN 

Comedian MC Jessy from *Churchill Show* clarified that his entry into politics wasn’t about money but aimed at advocating for a creative fund to support fellow artists. In a podcast with musician Bien, the singer questioned MC Jessy’s political ambitions, suggesting that his move didn’t align with his status as one of Kenya’s top comedians. Bien argued that the public often sees politicians as self-serving, focused more on personal wealth than public service.


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Instead of venturing into politics, Bien encouraged MC Jessy to champion creatives from within the industry. However, MC Jessy explained that becoming an MP would make it easier to advance his goal of establishing a creative fund. He elaborated, “My motivation for politics was to address issues in South Imenti, including improving local schools and security. But most importantly, I wanted to push for legislation.” He envisioned a *Creative Economy Bill* with a structure to support creatives through a framework involving a council, director, and a dedicated fund.


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Jessy pointed out the lack of legal protections for Kenyan creatives, but Bien remained unconvinced. He asserted that Jessy could pursue these changes without holding office, arguing that politics often detracts from creativity. “Everything you mentioned could be achieved without being an MP,” Bien countered. “An artist can create meaningful change without entering politics—you risk being pulled down by the political scene.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
