
Chipukeezy Discusses the Impact of Pornography on His Romantic Relationships

Vincent Muasya, widely known as Chipukeezy, opened up about his challenging upbringing in a revealing interview with Dr. Ofweneke.

During the conversation, Chipukeezy offered fans a rare look into the difficulties that have shaped his life and career. He described his childhood as one filled with contrasts and confusion, highlighting the influence of his wealthy grandfather alongside his strict parents, which left him struggling with his identity and circumstances. Despite these hardships, he believes his upbringing laid the groundwork for his current success. “My childhood was tough, but it made me the man I am,” he reflected.


Chipukeezy Admits to Porn Addiction in His Past

Surprisingly, Chipukeezy also mentioned that he served as an altar boy during his youth, revealing a less-known aspect of his life. As the eldest child in a family of four boys, he took on a parental role at a young age. “Every day, I would wake up, sweep the compound while tea was cooking. We were three boys, and I was acting as the parent before heading to school,” he recalled.

He noted that his parents worked tirelessly to support the family, with his mother selling maize and his father selling charcoal in Tala. However, he admitted that his relationship with his father was strained despite their efforts. Reflecting on his rebellious teenage years, he acknowledged frequent conflicts with his parents, particularly regarding his education. “I didn’t want to go to high school. I had no desire to become a pilot or anything like that,” he shared.

Chipukeezy also revealed that he dropped out of school in Class 7, opting instead to ask his mother to finance a business venture. “I had seen relatives who were jobless and staying at home despite having gone to university. I realized that continuing with school wasn’t going to work out,” he explained.


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Additionally, he touched on a darker aspect of his childhood, admitting he was exposed to adult content at a young age, which has impacted his dating life. “I lost my virginity in Class Four. I need therapy. That’s why I am not married. I still carry those memories,” he confessed.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
