
Jalang’o Gives Advice to Men Who Neglect Supporting Their Women

Lang’ata MP Phelix Odiwuor, commonly known as Jalang’o, recently offered advice to men who are unable to meet their partner’s financial needs. During a Q&A session with journalist Shiko Gitau, Jalang’o expressed that men who cannot fully support their women financially should reconsider dating, as it reflects a lack of purposeful leadership.


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Jalang’o dismissed the idea of sharing financial responsibilities equally in relationships, advocating instead that men should take full responsibility for providing. “Men must provide; if you cannot give 100%, why are you dating? Why let your woman pay for anything? Even when I was broke, I never let a woman pay for anything,” he remarked.

He stressed the importance of financial stability, cautioning men against entering relationships if they are unable to support their partners, as it may lead to unnecessary complications.


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Jalang’o’s own relationship became official in 2019 after a private traditional wedding with his wife, Amina Chao. Despite keeping their relationship largely out of the public eye, they have been together for over five years. Jalang’o has shown his love and appreciation for Amina, even gifting her a new car after she gave birth, noting it was a gesture to make her feel valued. “You should always find ways to appreciate her. When I say a car, I mean they’re around the compound, and I can use them too,” he previously shared.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
