
Willy Paul Asks Corporates for a Second Chance, Insisting He’s Not a Bad Person

Willy Paul believes his career could have flourished if it weren’t for his complicated relationships with several women, who have often turned against him after getting to know him better. He has faced numerous allegations of inappropriate behavior, with some women accusing him of sexual assault.

The controversies began eight years ago with ex-girlfriend Michelle Dyer, who accused him of severe physical abuse. This was followed by allegations from Miss P, who claimed he assaulted her, and most recently, he was arrested after Diana Bahati accused him of cyber harassment regarding past comments he made.


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Although Willy Paul was set to appear before a magistrate to respond to the cyber crime allegations, the case was recently dismissed after the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) concluded that the evidence against him was obtained illegally.

To substantiate this, Willy Paul shared a letter from the DPP stating that the forensic evidence, which involved the analysis of his confiscated mobile phone, was gathered without a court order, violating Article 31 of the Constitution, which protects the right to privacy. As a result, the case was closed to prevent a miscarriage of justice.

Despite being cleared by the ODPP, Willy Paul lamented that these allegations have significantly impacted his career. He expressed frustration over corporates opting to work with those who have spread lies about him, stating, “I don’t think corporates should work with liars who bring others down to stay on top. All corporates should recognize that this was a coordinated effort to tarnish my reputation. I have suffered immensely due to this misconception.”


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As a result of this negative publicity, he finds it challenging to collaborate with corporates as they now favor the same “liars” who have damaged his image. In a recent post aimed at corporates, Willy Paul urged them to reconsider partnering with honest brands rather than supporting individuals who undermine others to succeed.

While he clearly has regrets about the situation, Willy Paul remains determined to persevere despite the unfavorable public perception.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
