
Woman Kills Parents and Spends All Their Money on Betting

A woman with a twisted sense of “family bonding” has landed herself behind bars after a series of shocking crimes against her own parents. The unidentified woman, let’s just call her “Miss Menace,” first attempted to bump off her dear old dad with a good dose of poison. Thankfully, Dad managed to dodge a dirt nap.

Undeterred by her initial failure, Miss Menace decided to switch tactics. This time, she went for a more “hands-on” approach, opting to stab her mother. Thankfully again, Mom survived the ordeal.

While details about Miss Menace’s motivations remain murky, one thing’s for sure: she clearly wasn’t winning any “Daughter of the Year” awards. The courts, thankfully, saw things the same way and sentenced her to a well-deserved stint in jail. Let’s hope Miss Menace uses her time behind bars to reflect on the importance of, you know, not trying to kill your parents.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla
