
Activist Morara Kebaso Appeals for Fundraising to Enhance Personal Security Amid Escalating Threats

Kenyan activist David Morara Kebaso has called on the public for financial support to strengthen his personal security following a recent attack at the Bomas of Kenya. In a social media post, Kebaso explained that, due to the urgency of the situation, he would not provide accountability for how the funds are utilized, asking only for contributions from those who trust him.

Kebaso emphasized the need for enhanced security measures and personnel, citing several troubling incidents that have put his safety at risk. “I am appealing to Kenyans of goodwill to help me bolster my security,” he wrote. This plea follows a violent altercation at Bomas, where Kebaso was attacked last Friday while exercising his democratic rights.


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During the incident, Kebaso was physically assaulted by a group that reportedly threw chairs and attempted to beat him. Despite the chaos, he escaped with injuries and sought medical attention. He believes the attack was a coordinated effort to silence him, given his vocal criticism of the Kenya Kwanza administration.

Kebaso described the attack as a premeditated setup, noting that he was denied entry at the gate before being assaulted inside the venue. He implicated Ruaraka MP TJ Kajwang’, the event’s MC, suggesting that his dissatisfaction with the crowd’s support for Kebaso sparked the violence. Despite calling on Police IG Douglas Kanja and DCI Mohamed Amin to arrest those responsible, no arrests have been made.


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A staunch critic of President William Ruto’s government, Kebaso frequently accuses the administration of failing to fulfill its promises. His advocacy for government accountability is rooted in his commitment to civic education and public participation. Kebaso has faced legal challenges in the past, including an arrest related to cyber harassment, but he remains undeterred, insisting that his work is vital for ensuring government transparency. “I will not be silenced,” he declared, reaffirming his dedication despite the risks.

The attack on Kebaso has heightened public concern about the safety of activists in Kenya, raising questions about the broader implications for political dissent in the country.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
