
Natalie Githinji bids farewell as she concludes her five-year tenure at NRG Radio

Image: Ms Natalie Githinji resembling Tyra Banks

Natalie Githinji has concluded her five-year tenure at NRG Radio, marking the end of an impactful chapter in her career.

The lively presenter took to social media to announce her departure, reflecting on her transformative experience at the station, which helped her become one of radio’s top talents.

Githinji expressed her enjoyment of her time at NRG, mentioning that she is ready to explore new opportunities and face fresh challenges. While she did not disclose her next move, there is widespread speculation that she may be joining a competing media outlet.

“I am incredibly thankful for the support of the talented team I had the pleasure of working with, and I take great pride in our achievements together,” Githinji shared.

“My departure signifies the end of a significant chapter for both me and the company, but I am excited about the new paths ahead,” she added.

Githinji hosted a popular morning show at NRG Radio, attracting a substantial young audience with her vibrant personality, engaging discussions, and excellent music selections.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
