
Court throws out Diana Marua’s case against Willy Paul

It would seem the Bahati’s have suffered a setback as a family unit in their long running feud with former gospel artist and archenemy, Willy Paul. And this field has seen us get served with rape allegations by Diana Marua as well as constant bickering between the couple and their rival.

This culminated in a law suit that made headlines with Bahati’s wife vowing to pursue Justice to the fullest extent of the law and seeing her drag her and her husband’s enemy to the halls of court.

However, in a twist of events, Diana Marua’s cyber harassment case against Willy Paul was thrown out after the ODPP determined that the evidence against him was illegally obtained and thus inadmissible in court.

And while information is still scant as to what the couples next move will be, we can only imagine Willy Paul’s relief after receiving the verdict.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
