
Ajib Gathoni Expresses Admiration for Her Polygamous Father

Here are a few interesting things you might not know about Ms. Gathoni:

Many people don’t realize that I’m from the Coast, specifically the Digo community, but I understand the confusion because of my name. It’s because my mother is from ‘Murima.’


Why Ajib Gathoni, 25, Intends to Opt for Induced Menopause

Sadly, my parents separated, but I have immense respect for my father. He had four wives, with my mother being the youngest.

I truly admire him. What amazes me is how he managed to create harmony among all his wives and children. He made us love one another, and we lived together peacefully for many years.

Maybe the harmony had something to do with Islam, I’m not sure. I was born into Islam, but after my parents separated, my mother converted to Christianity.

I’ll be honest, in our large family, I have so many siblings, some of whom I don’t even know, which is why I can’t say exactly how many we are. But what I do know is that I was never fortunate enough to have a brother.

Yes, I do go clubbing with my mother. People find that strange, but whenever I invite her to a party, she always shows up and has a great time. She’s my biggest supporter.


TikToker Ajib Gathoni Made Sh210k in Just 3 Minutes From a Single Livestream

During the Covid-19 pandemic, my mother fell ill with a tumor that was initially thought to be cancerous. She had to be flown to India for treatment. Ever since then, she encourages me to live life to the fullest, which is why she never misses a party.

I started waist-whining on TikTok out of boredom and received mixed reactions. Some people criticized me, while others encouraged me to keep going. I didn’t understand the criticism because waist-whining is a normal thing on the Coast.

Recently, I was diagnosed with adenomyosis, which I’d describe as a cousin of endometriosis, but not as severe. It only affects me during my period. In my case, my uterine wall has blood clots that become active during menstruation, which causes me to experience double the pain.

I’ve tried different medications, but none have worked so far. My gynecologist advised me to change my lifestyle, exercise more, and avoid certain things during my period.

One suggestion from the doctor was to get pregnant, which would relieve the symptoms for the nine months without periods.

A more permanent solution would be to have my uterus removed or undergo induced menopause. Since the issue is related to having periods, I might as well not have them at all.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
