
King Kalala responds to Stacy Kahush’s statement that women are to blame if a man cheats

Image: NRG presenter, King Kalala

Content creator King Kalala has responded to Sandy Kahush’s statement that women are to blame when men cheat.

Kalala, known for her blunt and outspoken views, argued that a man determined to cheat will do so regardless of a woman’s actions.


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In a viral video, she passionately addressed the issue of infidelity in relationships.

“Long live the clan. I was scrolling through social media, and honestly, if you don’t have something worthwhile to say, just keep quiet. There’s this idea floating around that when a man cheats, it’s the woman’s fault. Bro, what are you talking about?”

Kalala continued, “If a man is a cheat, he’s a cheat. Don’t come at me saying I’m the reason because I don’t give him peace. I give him peace, but you can’t say it’s my fault. If someone is unfaithful, it’s their own problem. If they can’t keep it in their pants, that’s on them.”

Her response came after TikToker Sandy Kahush made headlines with her remarks in an interview with Obinna, where she argued that women are responsible when men cheat.


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“If a man cheats, it’s your fault. If your woman is always there for you, cooks well, and is everything you need, would you still cheat?” Kahush said, referencing the Bible to support her stance on denying intimacy to a partner.

When asked how she would react if her man cheated, Kahush added, “You have to ask what you did wrong. I’m talking about a man who wasn’t planning to cheat but did due to circumstances.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
