
Bernice Saroni shares a crucial lesson from her failed marriage

Bernice Saroni recently shared a profound insight about marriage that could shape her approach to future relationships.

In a recent TikTok post, Bernice discussed how her role as a breadwinner has given her a new perspective on marriage dynamics, similar to what many men experience.


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“Some women may not take this well,” she began, acknowledging how her experience as a provider has changed her view on marriage.

“Now that I understand what men go through, it would guide me if I ever marry again.”

Reflecting on her past marriage, she recalled how her husband would ask for peace at home, feeling overwhelmed by work stress and financial burdens.

“When my husband would say, ‘I don’t want noise; I’m stressed from paying the mortgage and school fees, and I just want peace,’ I didn’t fully understand,” Bernice admitted.

As a single mother now managing these responsibilities herself, she has come to appreciate her ex-husband’s perspective.

“Single moms, remember when your husband said he didn’t want any noise? Now you understand, right? I get it now,” she said.

Bernice emphasized that if she were to remarry, she would prioritize her partner’s need for peace.


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“If I marry again, I’ll keep quiet until he’s rested, as long as he’s the breadwinner,” she said, mimicking zipping her mouth. “I’d address any issues after he’s had time to relax.”

She described the challenges of being the breadwinner and juggling multiple responsibilities, such as mortgage payments and school fees.

“These days, I’m exhausted. When I come home and my kids are loud, I think, ‘Can we talk about this tomorrow? My head is spinning.’”

Bernice also commended single parents for managing their households, recognizing how tough it can be.

“To single moms and dads holding it down, I salute you. It’s not easy running a household.”

Her experiences have shaped her relationship values. “It’s difficult to come home to a place with no peace. I’d rather sign those divorce papers and find peace elsewhere. Life is too hard to stay where there’s no tranquility.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
