
Paulah Kajala says she’s putting on “happy weight.”

Recently, Tanzanians observed that Marioo’s girlfriend, Paula Kajala, has put on weight following the birth of their baby, Amara. This change in her appearance led some fans to express disappointment online.


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Paula addressed the situation on Instagram, explaining that her weight gain is a result of the love and care she receives from Marioo, along with the happiness she finds in their relationship. “I’m not struggling in my relationship like those criticizing me for gaining weight,” she wrote.

However, musician Aggy Baby offered a different perspective, suggesting that Paula’s weight gain might be linked to stress. Aggy pointed out that significant weight changes could signal underlying issues, saying, “In my experience, gaining a lot of weight isn’t healthy. Paula might be dealing with stress or depression, which could be causing her to gain weight. A healthy person is fit.”

While it’s true that stress can lead to weight gain due to the release of cortisol, a hormone that increases appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods, positive life changes—like being happy in a relationship, enjoying good food, and living a fulfilling life—can also contribute to what some call “happy weight.”


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Aggy also shared her personal experiences, noting that in past relationships where she wasn’t treated well, she would become stressed, overthink, and occasionally even fall into depression.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
