
Officer Shakur has been hit with a significant pay cut as investigations into his involvement in protests

Jackson Kuria Kihara, a 25-year-old prison officer known as Shakur the Cop, has been interdicted for his active participation in anti-government protests. Shakur, who was stationed at Kamiti Maximum Security Prison, came under investigation after being photographed holding placards during the demonstrations.


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Despite the interdiction, which has resulted in him receiving only half of his salary until the case is concluded, Shakur remains steadfast in his stance. In an interview with Citizen TV, he clarified that his involvement in the protests was motivated by a pursuit of justice, not opposition to the government.

“I’m still a cop, but I was interdicted a month ago. I’m receiving half of my salary until the case is concluded,” he stated.

Shakur emphasized that he was advocating for justice for those killed during peaceful protests and that his actions were not against the government.

“First of all, I didn’t go to protest; I was just pictured holding placards, and then another time, I went to parliament to protest. I was demanding justice for people who were killed during the anti-government protests—people who were peacefully protesting. I was not doing anything wrong; I am not against the government,” he explained.

One of the placards Shakur carried expressed the sentiments of millions of government employees who are dissatisfied with the current administration but fear repercussions for speaking out.


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His actions caught the attention of his superiors at Kamiti Maximum Security Prison, leading to his interdiction for violating rule 124. However, Shakur remains resolute, continuing to champion his cause. On July 9, he was arrested again near the parliament buildings during another protest.

Shakur remains defiant, believing his actions serve the best interests of the country and fulfill his duty as a patriot. “I was demanding justice for those who lost their lives during peaceful protests,” he reiterated, underscoring his commitment to speaking out for the voiceless.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
