
List of Six Counties Scheduled for Power Outage Today, Tuesday

Kenya Power has announced planned power interruptions in various areas on Tuesday, as part of regular system maintenance efforts.

The utility company stated that the power outages will affect certain regions in six counties: Kiambu, Makueni, Trans Nzoia, Kakamega, Laikipia, and Kilifi.


Power interruptions are scheduled from 9 am to 5 pm in the following areas: Gikambura Market, Gicharani, Gichuhiro, and Riu Nderi.


Power cuts will occur from 9 am to 5 pm in parts of Makueni, including Itangini Market, Kaumoni, Ngoluni, Kisau Girls, Mbumbuni Market, No Nyanya, Ngaa, Kithungo, Tawa, Kalawani, Wanzauni, Kikima, Mavindu, Uvaani, and Kyuu Nzeveni.

Trans Nzoia

Scheduled power interruptions will take place from 9 am to 1 pm in areas such as Kapkoi, Nauyapong, Maridadi, Molem, Kimwondo, Gumo Farm, Elgon Tea, Soy Mining, Bull Station, Sabwani ADC, Katuke, Chepchoina, Suam, Elgon Orchards, Nai, Kaptega Chorlim, Mt. Elgon KWS/KFS, Kitum, Kaitet Panocal, Endex, Kinyoro, Marambachi, Kisawai, Cheptumbelio, Gitwamba, and Suam.


Power interruptions will occur from 9 am to 4:30 pm in parts of Kakamega, including Shirugu Secondary, Kalenda Market, Samitsi Market, Chombeli Dispensary, and Musaga Market.


Power outages are scheduled from 8 am to 5 pm in areas such as Makutano, Katheri Centre, Maraone, Ontulili, Kalalu Farm, Ibis Farm, Greenland Farm, GAW, Sirimon, Umande, Mumeru, Ngenia, Mia Moja, and Kithithina.


In Kilifi, power cuts will affect parts of Chasimba, Ziani, Pinglikani, Mwarakaya, Kizingo, and Ng’ombeni from 9 am to 5 pm.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
