
Police Storm Nation Media Group Headquarters

We have received footage of police entering Nation Center in the CBD during today’s protests

Perhaps it is time to remind the police of their limits.

In the complex tapestry of a functioning society, few threads are as vital as media freedom. It serves as the cornerstone of a healthy democracy, empowering citizens and holding power accountable. By enabling the free flow of information and ideas, a free press fosters a society that is informed, engaged, and ultimately, stronger.

One of the most crucial roles of a free media is acting as a watchdog. Without independent journalists investigating and reporting on the actions of governments and institutions, corruption and abuse of power can flourish in the shadows. A free press shines a light on these issues, exposing wrongdoing and prompting necessary reforms. This ensures that those in power are held to account, preventing them from acting with impunity. The government, which includes the police as an arm of the judiciary, should never think of stepping foot into a media house’s office like they have today.

Furthermore, media freedom fosters an informed citizenry. By providing diverse perspectives and in-depth analysis on current events, the media equips people with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. This is especially important in a democracy, where citizens have the power to shape their government through voting and public discourse. A free press empowers them to participate effectively by providing them with the tools to critically evaluate the issues at hand. Let us not go back to the Moi days where all media was merely a propaganda tool for the government.

Media freedom is not a luxury, but a necessity. It safeguards democracy, empowers citizens, and fosters a more just and equitable society. By ensuring the free flow of information and ideas, a free press allows us to hold power accountable, make informed decisions, and engage in meaningful public discourse. In a world that often craves control, media freedom stands as a beacon of truth and a powerful tool for positive change.

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla
