
Ministry of Housing Advertises 4,000 Internship Vacancies

The Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing, and Urban Development has announced paid internship opportunities under its affordable housing program.

They plan to recruit up to 10,000 university graduates in phases, with the first phase aiming to onboard 4,000 interns. These interns will work under the supervision of professional consultants already engaged by the State Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The available positions span various fields, including architecture, quantity surveying, construction management, civil engineering, structural engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, land surveying, geoinformatics, landscape architecture, interior design, social development, urban and regional planning, environmental science, health and safety, communication and branding, and ICT.

To qualify, candidates must hold an undergraduate degree in one of the specified disciplines from a recognized university. The internship program will last for one year.

Interns will be employed and compensated according to the Public Service Commission’s internship terms. Upon successful completion of the program, interns will receive a testimonial and a certificate.

Interested and qualified graduates are encouraged to apply through the portal www.ahpjobs.info by July 19, 2024.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
