
Betty Kyallo responds to inquiries about her new partner’s age and the reason for keeping his identity concealed

Betty Kyallo has addressed speculations about her romantic life, dismissing claims of hiding her boyfriend and dating someone much younger. In an open discussion, she shared insights into her relationship and the decision to maintain certain aspects of it private. Betty expressed contentment and happiness in her current partnership during an interview with Plug TV.


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“I’m in a good place and I feel loved,” she remarked, responding to inquiries about her love life. Betty clarified that while she’s not concealing her partner from the public eye, she respects his preference for privacy. Revealing they’ve been together for about eight months, she explained that their bond remains shielded from public scrutiny to avoid negative energy.

Despite her openness online, Betty highlighted her boyfriend’s aversion to the online spotlight. She emphasized that their relationship isn’t kept secret, as they are seen together in public places. Addressing rumors about her partner’s age, she asserted that age is inconsequential and denied claims that he is 21 years old, stating they have chosen to keep certain details private.


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Betty also discussed the possibility of marriage, stating they are taking their time and focusing on their relationship without succumbing to external pressure.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
