
Kate Actress responds angrily to people who criticize her for video herself assisting flood victims.

Image: Kate Actress at the coveted Couture Africa Awards 2020

Renowned Kenyan actress Catherine Kamau, known as Kate Actress, has responded to critics who questioned her decision to record and share her efforts in assisting victims affected by the ongoing floods in Kenya.


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As a mother of two, Kate Actress defended her actions by emphasizing her social responsibility to raise awareness about the country’s issues and to mobilize resources during times of need.

“I have a social responsibility to not only raise awareness and educate people about social problems and injustices but also to gather support in times of crisis. So, before you suggest leaving the camera behind, remember, I am not like you! I have a responsibility!” she stated on her X account.

She further detailed their efforts in aiding the affected families, mentioning that they provided food donations to 250 families in the impoverished area of Githurai. These donations were made possible through the assistance of Wangari, a local businesswoman.


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“Yesterday, we distributed food donations to 250 flood victims in Githurai, thanks to Wangari, a catering business owner in Kahawa Wendani. I would have preferred to use smoke signals, but unfortunately, the phone was necessary to carry out the work of the Lord,” she concluded in her post.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
