
The cause of Manzi Wa Kibera’s death and the disagreement over his burial are disclosed by his stepchildren.

Before his passing, 67-year-old Sammy Ndunda made a heartfelt confession about his financial struggles with Manzi wa Kibera and sought forgiveness from his children for causing them distress by publicly revealing their relationship.

The family of Samuel Nzioki Ndinda, also known as Manzi Wa Kibera’s former boyfriend, has officially confirmed his demise, putting to rest any doubts regarding the authenticity of the news, which some initially perceived as another publicity stunt by the socialite.


Manzi Wa Kibera’s Elderly Boyfriend Passes On

Addressing the media on April 24, the family, accompanied by Manzi Wa Kibera herself, now referring to herself as a widow, shed light on the circumstances surrounding his passing.

Sammy Ndunda’s daughter shared insights into his health struggles, particularly concerning his chest problems, which he frequently complained about.

“He’s my father. From the time I’ve lived with him all these years, the problem was just his chest. Sometimes he complained about it. Before his death, I received a call that he was unwell. Then my daughter called me on Sunday to say he was in a critical condition. When she returned to his house the second time, she found that he had already passed away,” she said.


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Reflecting on the news of his father’s illness and subsequent demise, Samuel Ndinda’s son recalled receiving a phone call late Saturday night about his father’s health. Due to heavy rain, he couldn’t visit until the next morning, when he received the devastating news of his passing.

“I received a call on Saturday night informing me that my father was unwell. Due to the heavy rain, I couldn’t go to his house. The next morning when I opened my phone, I received the bad news. I went and found it to be true. Together with my cousin, we organized to take his body to the City Mortuary,” the son stated.

Regarding burial arrangements, Ndinda’s daughter disclosed that conflicts with other family members over ancestral land compelled them to choose Lang’ata Cemetery for his final resting place.

“The land where our home is located, and traditionally used for burials, is entangled in legal disputes with other family members. This issue prevents us from burying him at our ancestral land. I discussed with our family members, including my aunt, and we decided it’s better to lay him to rest at Lang’ata Cemetery to avoid further complications,” she explained.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
