
Zari Hassan responds to opponents who point out her reconciliation with Shakib

Zari Hassan has made it clear that she’s not interested in unsolicited advice regarding her decision to reconcile with her husband, Shakib.

In a Snapchat video, the mother of five firmly addressed social media users who have been meddling in her personal affairs, expressing her disinterest in hearing opinions and criticisms from those who were not invited to comment.

“Coming in here with your opinion and your two cents and nobody asked you, I don’t wanna know. I don’t wanna hear it, I don’t need it. Keep it to yourself, I don’t care what it is. Whatever it is that you people are sending in my DM, please keep your two cents to yourself,” she stated.

Zari emphasized her desire for privacy and urged individuals to keep their opinions to themselves, advising critics to focus on their own lives rather than offering unwanted advice to her.

“Don’t come here advising me. ‘Oh you shouldn’t do that’ keep it to yourself, you need it more than I do,” she added.

On February 26, Zari revealed that she had parted ways with her Ugandan husband, Shakib Lutaya, in an interview with Millard Ayo. She disclosed that the decision to separate was mutual, emphasizing the need for both parties to have space.

Contrary to widespread speculation linking the split to her recent video appearance with Diamond Platnumz, where the two were seen holding hands, Zari clarified that issues between her and Shakib predated the controversial video.

“Shakib and I have had issues before. That is why in November and December, I decided to delete his photos on my Instagram page. We had big issues, and it is not because I did the video that Shakib has left South Africa,” Zari candidly revealed.

Addressing a video circulating online showing Shakib packing Zari’s belongings, sparking rumors that he felt disrespected by the interaction between Zari and Diamond, Zari acknowledged Shakib’s feelings and expressed regret for not discussing the video with him beforehand.

“I don’t blame him for feeling how he feels. Had I told him before Diamond released the video, he would be okay. Now that he has left, I have decided to give myself some space from the whole situation,” Zari explained.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
