
Not a shred of justice: Gospel star ‘rejects’ Sh500K for using hairstyle photos without permission

Former Inooro TV presenter and gospel singer Hellen Muthoni has refused a Sh500,000 compensation award from Sistar Kenya, which used her hairstyle photo to promote its business without her consent.

“We do not have a problem with the determination, only that the amount awarded is too low, and we shall be considering an appeal. As a matter of fact, we have communicated that decision to the Data Commissioner. The respondent has also expressed their intent to appeal,” Muthoni’s lawyer, Antony Wanyingi said.

Muthoni finds the amount too low and plans to appeal. The Data Commissioner, Immaculate Kassait, ruled that Sistar Kenya unlawfully used Muthoni’s personal data for commercial purposes.

While the commissioner agreed with Sistar Kenya’s defense on reposting the photo, she found the brand in breach of Section 37 concerning commercial use of data. Both parties can appeal at the High Court within 30 days. Muthoni aims to seek a higher award in millions.

“The High Court has in the past awarded damages in millions for an infringement like this, and we shall be making a case on appeal towards that direction.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
