
Mike Mondo reveals intent to marry Shiko Nguru in 2024

At 42 years old, Mike Mondo is fully immersed in evaluating his life, asserting that this is the moment for positive changes.

In an interview with Mpasho’s Kalondou Musyimi on January 17, Mondo expressed his goals for 2024, with marriage topping the list. He is in a relationship with content creator Shiko Nguru, who separated from the father of two of her three children a few years ago.

Despite the buzz surrounding their romance, Mondo emphasized his commitment to settling down and improving certain financial aspects. Addressing the public’s opinions on their relationship, he stated:

“One of the things that’s happening this year is I’m gonna settle down. Number two I’m trying to improve certain areas financially. I think I’ve been undercover for a lot of my career. Number 3 is to just be the best version of me.”

Additionally, Mondo declared that he would no longer shy away from controversy, expressing fatigue from trying to meet others’ expectations. He sees this phase of his life as a chance for personal growth and purpose. Reflecting on his age, he questioned the appropriateness of certain behaviors:

“What am I doing at 42 running around and kwani mi nakaa mbaba? Nianze kuzunguka na young girls? It’s time, it’s not even about being unmarried. Settling down is a lot of things. You just calm down, you make your life a lot more calm, work on your craft, grow, and become more of an individual who has meaning and purpose in life.”

Mondo also expressed a shift away from his partying days, emphasizing the need to achieve milestones. Addressing the criticism of their Instagram video discussing their romance, he defended the practice of couples having open conversations and encouraged it, citing examples like Jay Z and Beyonce.

As for the possibility of a grand wedding this year, Mondo remained coy, teasing a cryptic response:

“Ah digithia,” acting coy he teased his answer to the tough question.

“Ah relax kwanza wacha tumalizane na mambo ingine alafu hiyo mambo ikiisha, you will know…You think I’m afraid to tell you? You will know, trust me but for now wacha tumalizane na whatever matters…” he assured netizens.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
