
Mummie Francie sparks debate with “Second wife welcome” remark to hubby

TikTok star Mummie Francie dropped a bombshell in a recent Q&A with her husband, leaving fans scratching their heads. During the session, the conversation took a turn toward finances, prompting Mummie’s husband to ask if she expected him to change if he became wealthy. Her reply? “Give me money when you get rich. When you get money, you can get a second wife.”

This unexpected green light for polygamy sent shockwaves through Mummie’s fanbase. While some questioned her seriousness, others dug deeper into the couple’s dynamic. Turns out, this isn’t the first time Mummie has spoken openly about polygamy.

Just months ago, she revealed the story of how she fell for her husband, Mbaba, while still seeing another man. Mbaba’s generosity and support, not his commitment to monogamy, were what initially drew her in. In fact, their relationship bloomed amidst her existing one, culminating in a choice: Mbaba or the CEO boyfriend.

Ultimately, Mummie chose Mbaba. Now, eight years into their marriage, she credits their success to communication and, yes, financial security. “Love, finances, someone who takes care of me… that’s what I was looking for,” she confesses.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
