
Kawira Mwangaza challenges MCAs to dissolve Meru County Government

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has expressed her willingness to support the dissolution of Meru County if that’s what the residents want. She believes that if dissolving the county would bring relief to the people, she would wholeheartedly support their decision.

Despite the challenges she has faced during her 14 months in office, Governor Mwangaza maintains that she has done her best to serve the people of Meru. She highlights the 72% absorption budget as evidence of her dedication to improving the county’s well-being.

Governor Mwangaza remains optimistic about her future, confident that if the residents of Meru believe she has performed well, they will re-elect her. She places her faith in both God and the people of Meru.

Meanwhile, another impeachment petition against Governor Mwangaza’s Cabinet members has been filed with the Meru County Assembly. Over 15 residents have accused the executive committee members of violating the Constitution and statutory laws.

The petitioners cite a range of allegations, including the defense Governor Mwangaza presented during the Senate impeachment proceedings, usurpation of powers, mismanaging the public service, abetting embezzlement, interfering with healthcare management, and using derogatory remarks against the Deputy Governor.

They urge the County Assembly to treat the petition as an urgent matter and initiate the impeachment process as outlined in the Standing Orders.

Under Section 123 of the County Governments Act, a petition to suspend a county government can be filed with the President if the county engages in actions deemed to be against the interests of its citizens. The petition must be supported by signatures from at least 10% of the registered voters in the county. Within 14 days of receiving the petition, the President submits a report to an apex body for intergovernmental relations.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
