
Janet Mbugua reveals she doesn’t mind being around alcohol despite being a teetotaller

Image: Janet Mbugua hospitalized

Two months ago, Janet Mbugua, an author and philanthropist, revealed that she had been sober for almost two years. She has been getting questions about her life without alcohol and her journey to sobriety.

Mbugua says that she did not have a dangerous drinking habit, but she wanted to quit because she was afraid it could escalate. She used alcohol to cope with stress and bad days.

Mbugua says that she will continue to attend events where alcohol is served, and that she does not condemn people’s choice to drink. She will often be seen at these events with a juice or mocktail in hand.

Mbugua encourages anyone who is struggling with alcohol to reach out for professional help.


Janet Mbugua is sober and has been for almost two years. She quit drinking because she was afraid it could become a problem. She still goes to events where alcohol is served, but she doesn’t drink. She encourages anyone who is struggling with alcohol to get help.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
