
Nairobi resident mock Nairobi Kanjo after arrest

Nairobi residents are amused by a video of six people locked inside a city council vehicle after being arrested by city askaris.

The TikTok video, shared by user faithmulleikenya, shows four women and two men laughing and joking with each other in the back of the vehicle.

“Uuuuwwii wanatutesa” (They’re torturing us) they shout about their situation.

The camera then pans to show the city askaris huddled together outside the vehicle, whispering about their next move.

The six people inside the vehicle say that they were arrested because they had not paid fees for some licenses.

“Huku tumeshikwa na kanju uwwii, ee kanju imetushika. Ndio hawa hapo inje” (We’ve been caught by the askaris because we haven’t paid our license fees. Those are them outside)

The woman who shared the video said that the city askaris were shocked that the six people had locked the vehicle from the inside, and they unsuccessfully tried to get them to open.

The askaris then held a mini “Kamkunji” (a meeting to discuss a problem) on how to handle the situation.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
