
Atwoli Refuses To Apologize To LSK, Demands Accountability For Rogue Lawyers

COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli has refused to apologize to the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) for his support of Brian Mwenda Ngagi, who faces allegations of practicing law without the necessary qualifications and accreditation.

Atwoli’s stance comes in response to a demand by LSK President Eric Theuri for an immediate apology and the withdrawal of his endorsement of Mwenda.

In a statement on his social media account, Atwoli conveyed his position with no room for compromise.

“I am not prepared, willing and available to issue any apology or withdraw my support for Brian Mwenda and calls for Recognition of Prior Learning in the field of Law,” he affirmed.

However, Atwoli has shifted the focus onto the LSK itself, asking them to convene an emergency meeting of the LSK Council and make a public account of the actions taken to address unethical conduct within the legal community.

“Considering many lawyers have made this an issue of ethical values and virtues of the profession, I would like to call upon the LSK President to equally convene an emergency meeting of the LSK Council and report to the general public what they have done or they are doing to handle some rogue members of the LSK who continue to swindle Kenyans millions upon millions,” he asserted.

Atwoli’s statement has sparked a debate on the issue of recognition of prior learning (RPL) in the legal profession. RPL is a process that allows individuals to have their skills and knowledge gained outside of formal education recognized and accredited.

Atwoli argues that RPL is a necessary tool to address the shortage of lawyers in Kenya and to give talented individuals who may not have had the opportunity to attend law school a chance to contribute to the legal profession.

However, the LSK has opposed RPL, arguing that it would undermine the quality of legal services and lead to the admission of unqualified individuals into the profession.

The debate over RPL in the legal profession is likely to continue, with Atwoli’s statement reigniting the discussion. It remains to be seen whether the LSK will convene an emergency meeting to address the issue.

About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
