
Missing bank cash-officer found dead

A 35-year-old bank employee was found dead in her house in South B, Nairobi, on Thursday evening. Her body was found by colleagues who visited her house after she stopped responding to calls and texts. A used syringe was found beside her half-naked body, but there were no visible injuries. An autopsy is planned to establish the cause of death.

In a separate incident, two people were found dead in a fire incident in Matungulu, Machakos county. The bodies of Gabriel Mutua aged 40 and Margaret Kwekwe, 23, were found in their houses long after a fire had swept through structures in the area. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

In Kibera, the body of a 55-year-old woman was found on the roadside on Thursday evening. The cause of her death is also unknown.

Three cases of suicide were also reported to police on Thursday alone. Two of them were reported in Matungulu and Mwala in Machakos. In the Matungulu incident, a 41-year-old man was found dead in his house after suicide while in Masii, a 23-year-old hanged himself. Police say they are investigating the incidents.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
