
Miguna Miguna advises Riggy G to get help communicating

Miguna Miguna, a controversial lawyer and activist, has implored Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua to undertake lessons in communication and messaging. Miguna’s comments come after Gachagua likened his hard-working nature to that of a hyena.

Miguna schooled the second in command, explaining that hyenas are not known for hard work. Rather, they symbolize gluttony and wanton stupidity. In a post on the X platform, Miguna wrote, “African allegories have hyenas as characters who symbolize glutton and wanton stupidity. The things that symbolize hard work and teamwork are bees and ants. My friend, Riggy G needs comprehensive lessons in communication.”

Kileleshwa MCA, Robert Alai also schooled the DP saying, “Hyena? The animals that don’t hunt but steal the hunt of others? We now understand why there’s so much looting. Hyenas in charge!”

Gachagua downplays reports of divisions within Mt Kenya

On Friday, in an interview on Inooro FM, DP Gachagua appealed to public servants to lead by example and work hard saying he ‘works like a hyena.’ He said, “I beg everyone in this government to work hard. Up our game and not shame ourselves as a community. I lead by example. I work like a hyena. Let Mt Kenya people in public service work like hyenas.”

Moreover, the DP downplayed reports suggesting divisions within Mt Kenya, emphasizing that the region remains as harmonious, peaceful, and stable as ever. He argued that it’s the media creating a narrative of a growing divide among the leaders of Mt Kenya. “I will lead from the front in ensuring that the leadership of the mountain continues holding together and will bring on board every leader from the region,” he said.

Then added, “As Mt Kenya leaders we have agreed not to be fighting retired president Uhuru Kenyatta. I am planning to hold talks with him. I have ordered everyone to respect him and he is also doing good to keep his peace.”


Miguna Miguna and Kileleshwa MCA Robert Alai have schooled DP Gachagua on the symbolism of the hyena, explaining that it is not a positive image to invoke. Gachagua has also downplayed reports of divisions within Mt Kenya, saying that the region is still united.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
