
Polygamy Conference to Be Held in Nairobi

The first-ever polygamy conference in Nairobi will be held on October 29, 2023, at the Emara Ole Sereni along Mombasa Road. The conference is open to both polygamous individuals and those who are interested in learning more about polygamy.

The organizers of the conference say that it is time to discuss polygamy openly and without fear of stigma. They believe that polygamy can be a choice made out of love, respect, and mutual consent.

The conference will feature speakers from all over East Africa, and it is expected to attract attendees from all over the region. The organizers say that they want to create a space for open dialogue and understanding about polygamy.

Would you attend?

Here are some of the benefits of attending the polygamy conference:

  • Learn about different perspectives on polygamy
  • Connect with other polygamous individuals
  • Have fun and learn in a supportive environment
  • Help to break the stigma surrounding polygamy

If you are interested in learning more about polygamy or connecting with other polygamous individuals, then I encourage you to attend the conference.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
