
Nyako warns Brian Chira against mixing alocohol with HIV medication

Tiktoker Pilot Nyako has warned Brian Chira about the dangers of alcoholism, especially considering that Chira takes medication for HIV. Nyako also urged Chira to quit drinking for the sake of his health.

Chira had previously confessed in an interview with Mpasho that he is HIV positive.

Nyako and Chira had previously been at odds, but they have since called a truce. In a 33-minute session on October 3rd, Nyako begged Chira to reconsider his actions. Chira apologized for his past behavior and promised to change.

Nyako’s concern for Chira’s health is understandable. Alcoholism can have a number of negative consequences, including liver damage, heart disease, and cancer. It can also weaken the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections.

“There is no way you are mixing drugs and alcohol. I’ve told you severally there is no way you are gonna mix alcohol and medication, it doesn’t go.

You either chose 1. Choose alcohol, wachana na madawa, coz you are killing yourself, so fast. Wachana na madawa, leave them alone. Kunywa pomba, You are not a ten-year-old to be told don’t take alcohol, concentrate on your medication.

I’m also on medication, I drink water, nakufa hapa na maji, not because I like it, no, but my health demands me to stick to water. Drink water. If I take medication and alcohol, my heart is gonna stop pumping, it is simple.”

For people with HIV, alcoholism is especially dangerous. It can interact with HIV medications and reduce their effectiveness. It can also increase the risk of developing AIDS-related illnesses.

Nyako is right to urge Chira to quit drinking. It is in Chira’s best interest to do so for his own health and well-being.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
