
Kenyan Court Adjourns Hearing on Revoking Gun License of Uhuru Kenyatta’s Son

The Firearms Licensing Agency has denied revoking the firearm certificates of former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s sons, Jomo and Muhoho. The agency has stated that the case is based on unfounded speculations.

Senior Counsel Fred Ngatia, representing the Kenyatta sons, had sought the intervention of the courts to protect them from alleged illegal actions by the arms agency.

The Attorney General has also requested removal from the proceedings since no specific orders are being sought against their office.

The case was scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, September 27, but was adjourned to October 11, 2023, to allow the parties to file their responses.

In his case filed in July, Jomo Kenyatta implored the court to intervene and prevent the state from revoking his firearms license “without following the due process outlined in the Firearms Act.” He expressed concern that the authorities had demanded he surrender his firearms on July 21 without providing any reasons.

He emphasized that the grounds for revoking a firearm license, as outlined in the Firearms Act, cannot be invoked without affording the license holder an opportunity to be heard, which aligns with the principles outlined in the Fair Administrative Action Act.

According to court documents, Jomo Kenyatta’s license remains valid until April 27, 2024.

The move to disarm Jomo Kenyatta came after Interior CS Kithure Kindiki’s announcement on July 25, stating that 23 firearms were recovered from three residences in Karen, Nairobi. This followed an operation launched after it was established that civilian gun holders supplied weapons used during demonstrations.

Jomo Kenyatta has asserted that he has adhered to all the regulations since he was issued with the firearms.

The outcome of this case will be closely watched by many Kenyans, as it has implications for the rule of law and the rights of gun owners.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
