
Embakasi simp burns down ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend’s house

A jilted lover, Christian Mutuku, is facing charges of attempted arson and assault after he allegedly set fire to his ex-girlfriend’s lover’s house and assaulted her sister.

Mutuku is accused of pouring an unknown substance at the complainant’s door before setting it on fire. He is also accused of threatening to set his ex-girlfriend’s sister’s house on fire and brandishing a panga at her.

Mutuku denied the charges and was released on a cash bail of Sh30,000. The case will be mentioned on November 13 and the hearing will start on June 3 next year.

Mr Njeri’s neighbor who saw him allegedly setting the house on fire is listed as the star witness in the case alongside Ms Makau and the suspect’s ex-girlfriend.

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
