
Dorcas Rigathi reveals dark days when she contemplated suiciced

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi, the Spouse of the Deputy President of Kenya, has opened up about her struggle with mental health issues.

She revealed that she once contemplated suicide due to circumstances at home when she was a student at Kenyatta University.

Pastor Dorcas said that mental health is a real problem, and that many people in Africa go through it without being understood. She attributed this to the African culture, which does not appreciate mental health issues.

“In Africa, our culture has not appreciated the matters of mental health and therefore when you find a quarreling mother, an angry parent, a shouting sister all we say they are mad, we say they are bewitched,” she said.

Pastor Dorcas encouraged people experiencing mental health challenges to come out and speak, and to not give up. She said that it is possible to overcome mental health issues, and that there is no need to change who you are as a person.

I admire Pastor Dorcas Rigathi for her courage in speaking out about her mental health struggles. Her story is a reminder that mental health is a real problem that can affect anyone, regardless of their social status or background. It is also a reminder that there is hope for those who are struggling, and that there are people who care about them and want to help.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
