
Amber Ray spends Ksh 158,000 on shopping!

Socialite Amber Ray has shared a video of her fiance, Kennedy Rapudo, paying for a shopping spree worth 158,000 Kenyan shillings (approximately $1,300).

In the video, Amber is seen pushing five carts full of groceries and other items. Rapudo then swipes his credit card at the checkout counter, and the total amount is displayed on the receipt. Amber reacts with surprise, saying “weuh.”

Amber captioned the video, “Get married to a man with money.” She also added the hashtags #Bibiyatajiri (which means “wife of a rich man”) and #endmonthshopping (which means “end of the month shopping”).

The video has been viewed over 100,000 times, and many people have commented on it. Some people have expressed envy of Amber, while others have criticized her for her spending habits.

It is unclear what items Amber bought during her shopping spree. However, the receipt shows that she purchased a variety of items, including personal care products, food, and soft drinks.

Amber’s video has sparked a debate about the role of money in relationships. Some people believe that it is important for a man to be financially stable in order to provide for his family. Others believe that money should not be a factor in relationships.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
