
Uganda vs Nigeria! Hilarious fight between our brothers rages online

Nigerian travel blogger Azaino O. Esuoghene, aka Uncle Koke, sparked controversy after comparing Uganda to “hell on earth” due to its dusty roads, bodaboda traffic, and lack of luxury cars.

In a social media post, Uncle Koke said that he visited Uganda, Rwanda, and Kenya and found Kenya to be the most developed and prosperous country with beautiful people. He said that Rwanda was clean but had a “programmed society” where people seemed scared. He described Uganda as “hell on earth” with dusty roads, too many bodabodas, and no luxury cars. He said that the people in Uganda looked poor and that he saw street kids begging.

Uncle Koke’s comments drew criticism from Ugandans, who accused him of being biased and of spreading lies. They pointed out that Uganda has made significant progress in recent years and that it is a beautiful country with friendly people.

Some Ugandans also acknowledged that there is some truth to Uncle Koke’s observations. They pointed out that Uganda’s roads are in need of repair and that traffic can be a nightmare. They also said that poverty is a problem in Uganda, but that it is not as bad as Uncle Koke made it out to be.

In response to the backlash, Uncle Koke maintained that he was simply stating his opinion. He said that he did not mean to offend anyone and that he wished Uganda all the best.

The debate over Uncle Koke’s comments highlights the different perspectives that people have on Uganda. Some people see it as a beautiful country with a lot of potential, while others see it as a struggling country with many problems. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they think of Uganda.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
