
Former Tabasamu actress discusses her failed marriage

With her outstanding portrayal of Maya, the star of the adored Tabasamu TV series, Kenyan actress Rosemary Waweru won over Kenyan viewers in the late 2000s.

She continued to be a well-known personality in the entertainment sector for many years before stepping away.

After disappearing for almost 15 years, Rosemary has now surfaced and opened up about her personal life, particularly her marriage.

Rosemary was open and honest in an interview with Buzz Central about her career path, her marriage, and the difficulties she encountered.

She disclosed that she began dating at the age of 20, and that the relationship eventually resulted in marriage and the birth of two lovely daughters.

Despite the appearance of a solid marriage, she and the father of her children split up two years ago when things didn’t go as planned.

“It was a relationship that began when we were very young.

I wouldn’t say it was a bad marriage; in fact, it was good for the time it lasted. People change and evolve, and we were no exception. Our paths diverged, and we found ourselves growing apart. It’s not a matter of blame; we were just two individuals who had grown in different directions.”

Rosemary stressed that her ex-husband isn’t a bad guy in this story despite the difficulties they had.

She also recognized the value of development and how it may alter relationships in unexpected ways.

“It’s important to recognize that we both contributed to our journey, and it’s equally important to acknowledge that it’s not about casting blame. Life simply took us on separate paths.”

The actress claimed that both she and her ex-husband made it a point to continue to be involved and active parents in their kids’ lives.

“Telling our children about our separation wasn’t easy.

But we’re both committed to being present parents, even though we’re no longer together. Our love for our children transcends our personal circumstances.”

Right now, Rosemary is concentrating on her own recovery and rediscovery.

“The first year was a period of healing and self-discovery for me. Now, I’m relishing the time with my family and dedicating myself to my career. As for dating, I’m not actively seeking it right now. If the universe has other plans for me, I’ll embrace them in due time,”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
