
Mother of young graduand who set himself on fire in Mombasa speaks up

The mother of 28-year-old Robert Gituhu, who set himself on fire in Mombasa last week, has spoken out about her son’s mental illness.

Gituhu’s mother said that her son had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and that he had been receiving treatment for the condition.

She said that on the day of his death, Gituhu had left home without his phone and that she had become concerned about his whereabouts. She reported him missing to the police and began searching for him.

Gituhu’s mother said that she was horrified to learn that her son had set himself on fire. She said that she had forgiven the person who had given him the match and that she wanted to raise awareness about mental illness.

“He would have turned 28 next month,” she said. “I will work hard so that I can inform people about this disease.”

Gituhu’s mother said that her son had graduated from college in Eldoret and had completed a master’s program. However, she said that his mental illness had prevented him from achieving his full potential.

“He was a very bright young man,” she said. “He had so much to offer the world.”

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
